CHOICE, unlimited is a community-based, private, non-profit organization located in Duluth, Minnesota.  We are dedicated to supporting adults with disabilities and individuals experiencing barriers to employment and inclusion in the community. We are passionate about helping people find fulfillment through work, creative expression, and community connections!

Our History


In November of 1993 we began serving four individuals referred by the Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation Services through a “limited vendor” contract.


In February of 1994 we were licensed by the Department of Human Services under Rule 38 as the first Community Based Day Training and Habilitation (DT&H) Program in the state of Minnesota. As trailblazers, we were one of the first Community Based Day Programs established across the nation!


In January of 1997 our license was revised to Consolidated Rule 245B and we received our first accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). Shortly after, a Community Rehabilitation Program Operating Agreement was established with the Minnesota Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Services.


In 2001 an agreement was established with the Wisconsin Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Services to provide employment support and career development to individuals residing in Wisconsin.


In 2003 we became a Ticket to Work Employment Network provider with the Social Security Administration.


In 2005 we incorporated arts education including visual studio arts and acting classes which culminated in the creation of the BOLD-choice Theatre Company. Movement/Dance, Creative Writing, Ceramic Arts, Photography, Music and Film were offered the following years.


In 2011, following a prestigious career, Sam Nygren, our founding Executive Director, retired. The year prior Sam was recognized for her pioneering work with community-based services and received a Lifetime Achievement Award through Minnesota APSE.


In January of 2014 we were licensed under Minnesota Rule 245D for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), replacing all previous licensing requirements.


In 2016, the Arts Vocation Program was created to offer opportunities for individuals pursuing art as their career. Paired with a knowledgeable and successful artist, these entrepreneurs continue to create business plans, work on skill building, and hold art shows.


In March of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily closed all non-essential work. Soon after, our agency created virtual services and classes offering over 60 engagement opportunities each week for the people we serve.


In February of 2022, we received our ninth 3-year accreditation through CARF. The accreditation is valid through June 30, 2024.


2023 and beyond! Celebrating 30 years of services with a fresh look, compliments of our new brand and updated website, we endeavor to continue providing quality services to meet the needs and desires of the people we serve.

Our Vision

Our vision at CHOICE, unlimited is to see a vibrant community that empowers individuals with disabilities and fosters a culture of inclusiveness.

Our Mission

Our mission at CHOICE, unlimited is to create and enhance opportunities for individuals with disabilities within their local communities.