We take a personalized approach to assist those who are seeking employment, creative pursuits, healthy relationships, volunteer opportunities, learning experiences, community awareness and safety, and health and wellness activities. This program can offer intensive staffing supports.
We serve people who are funded through the following waiver programs: ID/DD Waiver, BI Waiver, CADI Waiver, and CAC Waiver. There is an option for people to pay out of pocket for their services if they do not qualify for state, county, or waiver funding. Grants may be available to assist with funding opportunities.
Those interested in receiving services from our agency need a county Case Manager, Rehabilitation Counselor, or other program funding source. Complete our referral form by clicking the link below.
All Individuals have equal access to our services without regard to disability, race, national origin, age, gender, or any other protected status. Privacy and confidentiality of information is assured.
CHOICE, unlimited
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